The huge balanced rock known as, er,
Balanced Rock can be found in the
Garden of the Gods, a Registered National Natural Landmark located near Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The rock looms over a paved access road that provides an excellent view hopefully, not the last view an unlucky driver ever sees.
The photo above highlights the layers of sandstone that make up Balanced Rock while accentuating the narrow base that has weathered away over the eons, partially freeing the boulder of harder red sandstone from its imprisoning matrix of softer stone.
[h=3]Balancing Rock, Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada[/h]
Balancing Rock in Digby, Nova Scotia, is a
30-odd foot high spire of columnar basalt that has gradually eroded out from the cliff face over countless years. The town of Digby has lately built an infrastructure of railings and walkways so that access to this striking
phenomenon of nature is now much safer both for tourists and for the rock itself.
According to
Wally Hayes, a first-time visitor to Balancing Rock,
I was even more awestruck when I approached for a closer view and could look under the rock through a narrow horizontal crack and see the ocean beyond. The rock column didnt appear to have much attachment to base rock on which it stood. Not only that, part of the base protruded out from the supporting rock. It looked like a pencil standing upright, half on and half off the edge of a table top. But this was not pencil, rather many tons of solid rock.[h=3]Idol Rock, Brimham Moor, North Yorkshire, UK[/h]
A number of oddly shaped and curiously balanced rocks dot a 50-acre expanse of
Brimham Moor in North Yorkshire, England. One of the most outstanding from a balanced rock point of view is the so-called
Idol Rock. Estimated to weight around 200 tons, Idol Rock balances its enormous weight atop a comparatively tiny, pyramidal stone upon which frighteningly high pressures are being expended.
Idol Rock and its companion
Brimham Rocks, which include The Sphinx, The Watchdog, The Camel, The Turtle, and The Dancing Bear, can be viewed at the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The UKs National Trust oversees the area and admittance is free.
[h=3]El Torcal de Antequera, Andalucia, Spain[/h]
El Torcal Nature Reserve, situated in the mountains south of Antequera, Spain, features a plethora of karst limestone rock formations that typically feature tall, tapering spires of rock combined with horizontal weathering patterns. The result of this combination is often expressed in huge
flapjack stacks that are actually more stable than they appear.
The karst stone towers of
El Torcal de Antequera have evolved terraces of limestone over which tourists can ascend like stairs in order to get up close & personal with the rocks. Climbing further is NOT recommended, however Darwin has provided enough examples in the reserve without your becoming another one!
[h=3]Kjeragbolten, Norway[/h]
Kjeragbolten is a 5 square meter (roughly 15 sq ft) rock that his wedged itself in a crevasse between two gigantic rocks on
Kjerag mountain, Norway. Its not your typical, top-heavy balanced rock by any means but thats not to say that
Kjeragbolten is at perfect rest just ask Aron Ralston, whose arm was trapped by a similarly wedged boulder in Utahs Blue John Canyon, requiring him to take desperate measures to free himself.
Unlike Ralstons nemesis in an underground canyon, Kjeragbolten is lodged high up on Kjerag. How high? Those who are brave enough to walk across the boulder (and yes, this is allowed) can easily view the valley floor about
1,000 meters(over
3,000 feet) below. For sheepish hikers especially, the admonition dont look down was never so appropriate.
[h=3]Peyro Clabado, Sidobre, France[/h]
Peyro Clabado (Nailed Rock) is perhaps the most famous of the many enormous, eroded granite boulders and rock formations that make up the
Sidobre in Languedoc, France. The rocks are all that remain of a
300 million year old mountain range that loomed over what was to become western Europe. Today, isolated outcrops loom over intrepid visitors who have hopefully updated their wills before visiting.
As hard and dense as granite may be, given enough time even the hardest specimens will be reduced to sand and sediment. Peyro Clabado is on its way to that fate, but for a brief moment in geological time were privileged to observe this 780-ton rock perform an exquisitely delicate balancing act.
[h=3]Mushroom Rocks, Kansas, USA[/h]
Mushroom Rock State Park, located in the
Smoky Hills region of Kansas, may only be 5 acres in size but it holds some of the oddest balancing rocks on Earth
and yes, a couple of them do indeed resemble
mushrooms. Very, very large mushrooms one might expect to see the hookah-smoking caterpillar from Alice In Wonderland relaxing on top of one.
Kansas Mushroom Rocks are a work in progress, and unfortunately the end of the job means the end of the rock formation. Although weathering by wind and water is a slow process, its remarkably effective over long stretches of time. In the Mushroom Rocks, one can easily see how the harder, darker Dakota Sandstone cap rock protects (to some degree) the softer, lighter colored stone that forms its pedestal. Even more remarkable is the fact that the narrow pedestal was once part of a distinct layer of rock, the vast majority of which has eroded away.
[h=3]Chiremba Balancing Rocks, Epworth, Zimbabwe[/h]
Chiremba Balancing Rocks are little known outside of
Zimbabwe but the locals certainly appreciate their majesty: one impressive grouping is featured on the countrys banknotes. Like the balancing rocks of the Sidobre in France, these weathered boulders are made of ancient granite and its taken millions of years for them to settle into their outwardly precarious positions.
Epworth is located a few miles southeast of Zimbabwes capitol, Harare, and the
Chiremba Balancing Rocks are just a short taxi ride away. They were declared a national monument in 1994 and admission to the park is approximately 3 dollars.
[h=3]Mexican Hat Rock, Utah, USA[/h]
Mexican Hat Rock is located just outside Monument Valley in south-central San Juan County, Utah. The
60-foot (18 m) wide by
12-foot (3.7 m) thick red sandstone rock outcropping is the only one of its kind in the area and can be seen for miles around.
There are two designated climbing routes laid out for those who wish to make the strenuous hike to the base of
Mexican Hat Rocks sombrero-shaped cap. Though not a balanced rock in the pure sense of the term, the cap rock is attached to its base by a very narrow neck which will inevitably snap sooner or later
keep that in mind, hikers.
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